Look at the size of it now!

Hi everybody 🙂

Now my parents’ house move has been successfully completed, things should begin to return to normal again here. Thank you to everyone who watched and waited and sent us good wishes. It has been a long haul but the most important part is done.

The house move took priority over everything else and so now, I have time to share birthday presents from last month along with more updates on some works in progress.

Photo removed.

The card is from one of my wonderful blog reader friends. How appropriate is that design? The blackwork goodies and pinking shears were from my lovely sister and the fabric shears and quilting book were from my other half 😀 My daughter bought me a subscription for the digital version of an American quilting magazine, a brilliant way to subscribe without the shipping costs! What a lucky girl I am 😀 The book boasts a smart way to make kaleidoscope pattern quilts but I’m not sure I’d use the suggested method as it involves a lot of wasted fabric, probably bits that are too small and pointy to use for anythiing else. My motto is “I pay for every square centimetre, so I need to use every square centimetre”. I’ll reserve proper judgement until I’ve made a block or two. Believe it or not I didn’t have any fabric scissors before getting these ones. I don’t know how I managed before! And I now have loads of ideas for using those pinking shears 😀

As you can see, the new blackwork kit is waiting in the queue for my embroidery frame. Yes, I could buy another frame but then I’d have two embroidery projects on the go and I can’t have that 😉 So, I’ll finish the Bothy Threads Narrow boat first. Here is a progress check 🙂


I also have to thank my lovely friend Claire who sent me these! I arrived home exhausted after the house moved on Friday and these little lovelies were in my letter box. The surprise  made my day! So to Claire “Merci beaucoup” 🙂


I love hand stitched cards…..and those buttons are perfect for……my purple and blue quilted bag.


I’ve been looking for a button for this bag without success and I’m delighted to add this  painted one. As you can see, it isn’t sewn on yet. The two smaller ones will be used in other projects. My other bags are here if you want to see them.

My crocheted ripple blanket is coming along very nicely. Look at the size of it now! You can also see that we have had a bit of snow again…..that must be because I’ve just booked a camping holiday he-he. It looks like we are in for a chilly time so I’d better get this blanket finished 🙂


and two more photos of scrumdiddlyumptiousness. Thanks to Roald Dhal for the adjective 😉



I do like a nice roly poly blanket 🙂

Now, as we are (I am) having a bit of a purple fix, I thought you might like to see my Caithness Glass paperweights.


Most of them were bought at the factories in Wick, on the north coast of Scotland, and Oban on the west coast where we saw them made. Actually, the car park at the Wick factory was the only place my beloved old campervan ever broke down. I didn’t want to leave there either 😉

I’ve just realised it’s getting towards dinner time. What’s for dinner? This….


I’m not totally sure what is in it other than beef, vegetables and sliced potatoes on the top. It was made by my OH yesterday while I was unpacking boxes with my sister, so this is a photo of it cold. I’m sure it will be delicious reheated and teamed up with Yorkshire puddings  😀

Finally, I have a confession! A lovely reader, a few weeks ago, nominated my blog for an award and I decided to leave my acceptance post until later. Then, everything at this end became very busy and I still haven’t posted about it. Now I can’t find the nomination!! I have put the images of all the accepted awards down the right hand side of the page so I know it isn’t those ones. If you nominated me for different ward, please let me know when it was so I can find it and accept gracefully. Apologies again to that very kind person 🙂

So, these are my only WIPs except for my Under the Sea applique project, also here and here. I hope to be right back into the quilting groove very soon so watch this space 🙂

Have a fun weekend!

Avis x

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  1. You are a very lucky lady… Beautiful buttons, presents and dinner. Your blanket is looking gorgeous as is the narrow boat. No posts from me recently due to working full time covering for a colleague. Still reading though 😉

    • Hi Patch, the dinner went down a treat. I’m looking forward to reading your future posts but, in the meantime, try to get some time to craft as well as working so hard. Take care 🙂 Avis x

  2. claire93

     /  March 10, 2013

    now that’s what I call a nice long newsy post lol
    glad to hear the move is now behind you – hope you find time to unwind.
    and also very pleased to see that the buttons (big one at least) are going to come in useful.

    • Yes, lots of bits and pieces 🙂 I’m already finding time to unwind. We are all having a day off today, allowing Mum and Dad some space as well. I’ll be unpacking more boxes tomorrow 😉
      The buttons are fab, right up my street! They’ll all be put to good use. It was a lovely surprise 😀 Avis x

  3. I am so happy to read such an “upbeat” post from you. It certainly has been a ‘long haul’ for you and your family. The new apt. setting will be so much better for them and free you all of such concerns. The b’day gifts are wonderful. E-subscriptions are so very nice when the postage seems to cost more than the article!-( I so agree with you on your thoughts on some of these patterns. The ‘quick’ way, often times, produces many unusable scraps which cost way too much. Rotary cutter techniques have given us many of these “shortcuts”….time saved but fabric wasted!? There are “no waste” techniques for a few of the blocks I make. “Flying Geese” blocks are a favorite of mine and here is a terrific shortcut for that. It makes 4 at a time and works perfectly for some of the “star” blocks…..http://www.patchpieces.com/files/flyinggeese.pdf Check it out, you may be ‘hooked’! Hugs and blessings, Doreen

    • Hi Doreen, Thanks for the link. I like this method too 🙂 My daughter has just phoned to tell me there’s a Mother’s Day gift on the way. I’m expecting six red and white fat quarters. YIPPEE! Avis x

    • Teje

       /  March 10, 2013

      Thank you Doreen for this great link! I haven’t made any flying geese yet and this helps a lot! x Teje

  4. 1marylou

     /  March 10, 2013

    Wonderful quilting, stitching and crochet.

  5. Teje

     /  March 10, 2013

    Hi Avis! I’m happy to hear that you have finished the moving and are back to normal days! How wonderful presents you have received! Have a wonderful week! x Teje

    • It won’t be normal for a while but less stressful I hope. I think there’ll be some time to craft at least 🙂 Have a great week Teje! Avis x

  6. Your post is always great, and this one is also. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos they highlighted the your post. Happy Belated Birthday and many more Blessed ones. Your project is coming along nicely. Mtetar

  7. Looks like you have some busy days coming up! Love the paperweights and the friendly little alien monster. 😀

    • Me too. There are videos from Caithness Glass on Youtube showing how they are made. I could watch the glass blowers at the factory all day 🙂

  8. Wow, so many goodies! And I LOVE your ripple blanket, so beautiful!!


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