
Hello quilting world! Thank you to all my lovely friends from far and wide for commenting, liking and following my blog. I really appreciate all your encouragement and the inspiration that I find in all of your fabulous blogs too. I know all quilters have far too many ideas that could ever come to fruition, but I’ve been trying to finish as many projects as I can recently so I can try out some new things. Trouble is, I’ve now run out of wadding so it will have to be smaller projects, using up the scraps for a little while, she says 🙂 

Since my last post I’ve been working on finishing this quilt.


I made three quilt tops plus a Kindle cover from the same layer cake a little while ago and blogged about them here. I used every scrap of layer cake plus white or cream.

I would love my garden to have all of these lovely colours in it but the more time I spend making quilts, the less time I have for gardening 🙂 and the weather, Ugh!!

I’ve named this quilt Chequered Garden and I’ve entered it in the Quilting Gallery competition. Pop over to take a look at all the gorgeous quilts sometime this weekend when the gallery has opened.

Have a lovely day! Avis x


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  1. Pretty! I like the different squares and oblongs you used

  2. claire93

     /  April 19, 2012

    what an appropriate name for this quilt – it really does combine all the wonderful colours of the garden in full bloom.
    Well done ^^

  3. claire93

     /  April 19, 2012

    btw the link to the Quilting Gallery doesn’t seem to be working. Is this just a temporary glitch?

  4. So pretty! You made good use of that layer cake. Just about how I might make good use of a real layer cake…not a crumb left!

  5. Oh how I love those colors paired with the white….so crisp, happy and Spring-y! I am finding I am using more white in my recent quilts. For so long it was the look of unbleached muslin that dominated-no white (too stark,etc!) but now it’s back. Lends itself to some neat quilting, hmmmm? Thanks so much for sharing….now back to the machine! Hugs, Doreen

    • I like white with most colours as long as it is crisp snowy white. I’ve never been one for buying the muted, more subtle shades. However, when I see quilts others have made, I love them too 🙂 It always amazes me how two or more quilts of the same pattern can look so different depending on the fabrics used. Avis x

  6. Very Pretty! I love the pattern you did and the beautiful colors offset with white brings it all back together. : )

  7. Teje

     /  April 19, 2012

    Hi Avis! That is so beautiful quilt and really like a garden! Good luck and thank you for reminding me about the weekly contest! x Teje

    • Oh, I hope you can enter too 🙂 It may look like your gorgeous garden but mine has been flattened by days of constant rain 😦 Hopefully, the sunshine will return soon. Avis x

  8. it is beautiful and very spring like – i love the pattern and your name for it, good luck in the quilting gallery competition

  9. The Modern Home Economist

     /  April 20, 2012

    Beautifuk quilt. All the colours of spring! Thank you for always commenting on my own blog and quilts! I will check out the gallery soon…

  10. This is so beautiful! I love the colours! 🙂

  11. creative pixie

     /  April 20, 2012

    It’s gorgeous and I love the colours of your fabrics they’re so fresh looking and complement each other really well.


I really enjoy reading your comments. Have a lovely day :-)